
Published on October 9, 2020
  • Added new app and link named exports, and have deprecated InertiaApp and InertiaLink.
  • Updated the $page store to return the full page object, instead of just the props.
  • Added auto update method to use:inertia (#230).
  • [INTERNAL] Removed transformProps() call, since this is now now done in Inertia core.

Breaking changes

This release updates the $page store to return the full page object, instead of just the page props. The purpose of this change is to better reflect what the page object is, and to make the other properties within the page object available to you, such as the url, version and component name. The upgrade path here is straightforward—simply append .props to all instances of $page.

This release also requires version 0.4.0 of the @inertiajs/inertia package. Please be sure to update your dependencies accordingly.